Tree Root Identification
Analysis of root material is often crucial in the outcome of subsidence claims
where trees are implicated. JC A offers two methods of root identification and
a prompt, efficient service from its dedicated in-house laboratory.
Traditional methods of root identification involve analysing the cell structure
of root material under a high powered microscope. Though still used as standard
in the industry, this is a somewhat crude method which cannot reliably distinguish
between individual species of tree and certainly not between individuals of the
same species.
JCA secured EU funding to develop a tree root identification service utilising
DNA analysis. This not only enables root material to be conclusively identified
to species level, but by matching root material with leaf, bud, bark or twig material
from suspect trees, will pinpoint the individual specimen to which the roots belong.
This advance will reduce costs to insurers, householders and the environment because
only those trees identified by DNA analysis will require action. |